Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 2010

Landon is doing all kinds of new things in the last few weeks from raspberries and blowing bottles to grabbing objects. He's got the hang of sitting down pretty well with a little help and he's so close to rolling over. We started him this week on trying rice cereal and he isn't the biggest fan so far, but we'll keep trying. He's really laughing and smiling now which is SO FUN!! He also grabs his toes a lot and is starting to put them in his mouth... Also in his mouth all the time, his fists and his pointer finger. He had his 4 month check up at the beginning of March. He weighed 17lbs and 6.5oz (80th%) and was 27.5 inches the 99th% for height. He's already wearing mostly 9-12month size that means the summer stuff I had (luckily not very much) won't fit him. I'm going to this large used kids clothes sale next week and hoping to make out like a bandit from it! His Uncle Dave is in town this week, so he's excited to hang out with him for awhile. Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Me being an idiot and Landon laughing..............

Christmas Storm

Here is a brief video showing some of our struggles with the Christmas Storm

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 2010

Wow, it seems like it's been forever since I posted. Landon is 12 weeks old tomorrow already!! He weighed 13lbs, 14oz at last doctor's visit at the end of December. He is 95th% for height and weight. Needless to say, we have definitely moved onto 3-6, 6-9 month clothes...he's so tall!! We also found out that he has tortecollis -- his neck and head always look to the right -- so we have some stretching to do with his neck muscles. He's discovered his tongue, hands and voice. He's giggling quite a bit now and we just love the noises he makes.

We had a great Christmas (once we made it to Courtney's - yep, we got stuck on the way. Smart to travel with a 2 month old!). Landon made out like a bandit! New Years was fun too... although both of my boys fell asleep about 2 minutes before midnight --- so I gave them kisses and let them go to bed.

I started back at work too, and am trying to get used to leaving my baby boy with mom and my neighbor across the street. Mike got his wisdom teeth removed with 2 dry sockets and an infection...but thankfully he's feeling better now. Just last week we got all the new boys together (Landon, Conley, Brooks & Evan)... so those pics were a lot of fun.

Can't wait to see what February brings! Mike is going out of town for a football clinic, so I'll have Landon to myself all weekend... we'll see how that goes :).

Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 2009

Okay, so Aunt Julie flies out tomorrow and we had a great time with her. We definitely got some great pics while she was here (THANK YOU!!) and out of the 250 she took... here are about 30 or so to share. We were able to get some good family pictures in by the tree and the fireplace. We also made it to see Santa at Bass Pro Shops...Landon didn't cry and had his eyes open for the picture - so that's all I could ask for! Have a great Christmas everyone

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thanksgiving pics

Well some time has passed and mostly we've been working on trying to get Landon to smile and hold his head. He has really discovered his tongue - because he's sticking it out ALL THE TIME!!! He also had his first Thanksgiving already and enjoyed hanging out with the family. He's also had quite a few visitors!! His Uncle Dave surprised us with a visit for a few days, followed by his Auntie Julie and one of his best buds Spencer (and Chrystal and Brett!) Although we forgot to take pictures ... quite upsetting. He's also grown quite a bit and we can't wait to see how much he weighs now (he goes in Dec. 28th for his 2 month appointment). I'm sure he's also grown in height too because he is too long for quite a few of our 0-3 month outfits already. I go back to work December 22nd and am a little nervous about the adjustment but looking forward to getting back into the world again. It will be a good transition though with Christmas and New Years off to spend with him. Mike is also looking forward to some Daddy time with him while I'm away at work. We hope everyone has a great holiday season and will make sure to take more pictures to share with everyone.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Our first attempt at Pictures

My neighbor across the street runs a daycare out of her house and one of her kids mom] is learning how to work her camera and pose babies to one day open her own business. Landon was her first guinea pig! Here are the ones that she gave to me. I love some of them and others are so-so for me. I was there for over 3 hours and they took over 1000 pics... I got 15 of them. I would love to see them all and pick and choose others...but I can't complain since everything was done for free. If you would like copies - let me know and I'll get them ordered for you.